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We are a group of smart, fun, passionate and dedicated fans of All My Children's legacy couple Zach and Kendall Slater and the actors who portray them, Thorsten Kaye and Alicia Minshew.

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I’m resigned.

Since mid-2006 I’ve been hoping and praying for AMC to find some relief and a renewed sense of purpose, which might increase viewership and, by extension, its ratings. I honestly believed that the cure for what most ailed the show would be to remove the keyboard from the undeserving grip of Megan McTavish.

“Just give us a new head writer, “, I thought. That’s all we needed – a new writer and another chance.

Yes, I was frustrated by the direction she had chosen for my couple. I am a selfish viewer and I am not alone. The soap purity police who come taunting that couple or character fans must partake of the entire AMC buffet, and like it, or else we're not a “real” fans of the show can kiss our collective %*@! That is exactly what soap operas are – entertainment buffets. There is supposed to be something on the show for everyone to enjoy. And while it’s nice to appreciate the spread, as a whole, no one expect viewers to squeal in delight over every single item on the line. My favorite dish just happens be be Zach and Kendall and I prefer them hot, spicy, and served side-by-side. ;-) Although I appreciate a occasional side of Drs. David Hayward and Jake Martin - they are not what keeps me coming back for more.

Now, back to Megan – she gave us some good times. Stories were written under her reign that had me captivated with the entire show and cast. However, there came a point where she wrote in a manner which negated not only what she had previously done but that also wrecked the foundation laid years before her tenure. In essence, she completely SUCKED at the end and I, like so many others, wanted her gone. In fact, I was so happy at that first hint of her truly leaving that I sent Brian Frons a big, fat “thank you” email. Well, thanks to The Frons, I have come to regret both thanking him and my initial glee at having McTavish banished from Pine Valley. Because…

The Bears have done more damage to the integrity of my couple than I care to admit. Yes, McT had us in the torture chamber and kept dangling the payoff just out of our reach, but she hadn’t yet crossed the line. There tenure and the havoc they were allowed to wreak, in such a short span of time, is something I don’t care to reexamine too deeply. And while I can be grateful they are now gone, I can’t say that having Charles Pratt on board has comforted me - just the opposite, in fact.

See…the thing is that all of these writers have had one thing in common and it is something I am now resigned to – they do not listen to the fans. Period. They don’t. None of them. Not in any meaningful way, if at all. I realize that the things I complain about that are affecting my couple are the exact same things that other fans are complaining about regarding their favorite characters and couples. The fans are in sync and even if we aren’t rooting for the same players our wants for the team are neither difficult nor unique.

I’ve seen the lists, resolutions, polls and surveys all over the internet and all basically looking for the same things we have been unable to attain since McT left the building. And I am resigned to not getting it from the writers. So, I’m just going to place my faith in the actors to continue to try and bring as much integrity to actions of their characters even when those characters are performing actions contrary to their history. I am just going to have to look deeper at the expressions displayed by the actors to fill in the gaps the writers will continually leave. I am resigned that most actions won’t be explained in any manner that makes sense and that some plot devices will forever dangle out there – unresolved.

In 2009, I am resolved to make peace with the fact that being a “resigned” soap fan is the best I can hope for right now. Because no matter what, I am a “Zendall” fan – first, last…and always! So, my goal is to suck it up and support my couple as passionately as I can. (Yes, that means writing letters, making calls, and sending trinkets to the media and the show. And I'll be blogging about the fans who mock fans who are passionate in this way.)

Here’s to hoping for a better year for Zach & Kendall – and AMC! Cheers!


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