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We are a group of smart, fun, passionate and dedicated fans of All My Children's legacy couple Zach and Kendall Slater and the actors who portray them, Thorsten Kaye and Alicia Minshew.

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Maternal Instincts

Damn, Liza!

For a moment there, I thought those maternal instincts would kick in and that you'd haul ass back to your place to ingratiate yourself to Colby with your stolen baby.

"No, I just realized that...um...I'm doing it again. Here...here I have this beautiful,baby boy, at home. My second chance. And I'm here having dinner with you. No wonder people think I can't be a good mother."

Silly me.

Apparently Liza didn't fake a pregnancy and steal a baby to get close to Colby, she fake a pregnancy and stole a baby to give to Colby. Liza is much too busy, with her Legal and Chinese food business, to raise a new child. She's been working overtime to try and get both Slaters off. Kendall, with her legal maneuvering. And Zach, with her Mu Shu.


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