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We are a group of smart, fun, passionate and dedicated fans of All My Children's legacy couple Zach and Kendall Slater and the actors who portray them, Thorsten Kaye and Alicia Minshew.

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Sorry, Charlie!

It’s clear that Charles Pratt’s definition of a “ground-breaking” lesbian love story and wedding and that of a large swath of the viewing audience could not be further apart if it had been scripted by the AMC writing staff.

The relationship between Bianca and Reese began with the difficult challenge of having the audience accept that the pair, particularly Bianca, had asked Bianca’s brother-in-law to not only father their child…but to keep that information from his wife.

And while Bianca’s loyalty to Kendall has always, in my mind, been a debatable topic, the sheer callousness of Miss Montgomery showing up in Pine Valley unannounced and pregnant wasn’t exactly engineered to endear her to long-time viewers.

So, Charles Pratt decides to up the ante by having Binks wax poetic about the “super cool” partner who was so wonderful, that a normally “cautious around strangers” Zach Slater agreed after a single meeting to father a child for the pair and keep the donation a secret from his wife.


We like drama. Okay?!

We get it. But, this nonsensical, plot-driven crapfest was doomed before the first keystroke.

Enter SuperCoolReese. The secret-keeping, former fiancee of a MAN, the recent lesbian who proclaims her love for Bianca to her face, while proclaiming her “feelings” for Zach behind Bianca’s back. Each time she raged about anyone daring to question her commitment to Bianca it just made her that much more intolerable.

Sorry, Charlie.

You definitely created a couple to root for – it’s just that I’m rooting for Bianca’s farce of a marriage crumble before she even leaves the chapel. And I am rooting Kendall to kick her sister’s betraying ass back to Paris. I am also rooting for Bianca to feel the sting of betrayal and pain when she finds out that Reese has been panting after her brother-in-law since she hit town.

And as for SuperCoolReese…I know I’ll be grinning widely when Bianca takes those kids back to Paris, leaving Reese to deal with the aftermath – Pine Valley style. And I can hardly wait for Reese to realize that when the chips are down, Zach will always do what is necessary to keep Kendall.


Onemargaret said...

"All My Children" is a trip! Now, Kendall wants Zac and Zac has apparently given up on Kendall. At least for now! Poor JR! He has really messed up this time! Love your blog!

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