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I'm rooting for Annie

Let me see if I’ve got this straight.

First, Aidan Devane, Pine Valley’s resident private eye, manages to sneak his way into Annie Lavery’s secured hospital room at Oak Haven to…uhh…what?

Get the goods on her and prove she is faking her condition?

Drive her even crazier?


Once he’s successfully in and confronts his target, double-oh-dumbass takes the bait and approaches his unbalanced quarry when she beckons him. Then, our supposedly TRAINED super-spy and spotted dick is overtaken by a slip of a woman in hand-to-hand combat and has to be rescued by the Chief O’Police and his team of Keystone Cops.

What is wrong with this picture?

Have the writers given up all pretense of trying to make this stuff plausible for us? There were plethora of ways Annie could have overtaken Aidan that would have seemed more realistic than her cooing “Come here my little pretty” and then attacking him head-on and nearly strangling him. The man is damn near twice her size and a frickin’ former spy! We're supposed to believe this is the well-connected "go-to" guy with all the training, tricks, and backup Pine Valley would ever need.

Come on, writers! ! Geesh!

Second, Dynamite Dodo and his trusty side kick, the Green Butthead, are so guilt-ridden over driving Annie crazy and hurting poor Fish-‘n-Chips that they keep finding their way to one another, often with little Emma in attendance, just so they can twist that knife a little further.

Yeah, Ryan the “good guy” keeps leaving his crazy-ass wife’s kid with the woman who helped to drive his wife to murder because their paid nanny is conveniently not around. I suppose it would be too much like “the right thing to do” for Ryan to drop Emma off at Slater Daycare, where Bianca and her brood have taken up residence, while he and Greenlee take turn playing selfless and noble.

Yep, I’m definitely rooting for Mrs. Looney Toons. Go get ‘em, Annie!


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